Florian Schliep


With over 10 years of experience maintaining codebases, working on projects that serve millions of users and successfully scaling development environments from 1 to more than 15 teams, I know what healthy code looks (and doesn't look) like.

I offer meticulous analysis and actionable recommendations of your codebase, technical documentation, version control systems, infrastructure setup and deployment processes. With this, you gain insight into code quality, project scalability and maintainability, identify potential security vulnerabilities as well as performance bottlenecks.

This empowers you to make informed decisions, mitigate short- and long-term risks, uncover hidden issues, and ensure the long-term stability and success of your product.
I help companies in setting up and optimizing their mobile engineering capabilities for long-term success.

With over a decade of deep industry expertise, I guide you through the ever-evolving world of mobile engineering to unlock your full potential and reach your business' objectives.

Whether you're a startup looking to build a strong foundation or an established company aiming to enhance your existing mobile solutions, a decisive pragmatic strategy will allow you to streamline engineering processes, accelerate time-to-market and maximize user engagement through quality products.
Hiring the right talent is vital to every organization's success. The hiring process makes or breaks this.

I will work with you to transform your hiring process into a streamlined, efficient, and talent-focused system. By training your interviewers, equipping them with the necessary skills and techniques, they will conduct more effective interviews and act as multiplier in your company.

Enhancing the quality and consistency of your hiring decisions will save you valuable time and resources, reduce churn and set your organization up for long-term, self-sustained success.